Our Five Pillars
That Builds Overall Growth.
The Institution works based on a holistic 5 growth building centres, for building an Entrepreneurial mindset and learning environment to Learn, Collaborate and Socialize. These 5 centres act as pillars of SNS covering all streams of lives to strengthen our education system. Rather providing a traditional learning environment, we focus on building a culture focusing on delivering effective teaching, learning, innovation building, skill and entrepreneurship development, industry connect and social responsibility initiatives.
Applying Design Thinking in all these dimensions helps the students to have academic freedom to understand complex problems and principles by engaging in learning activities and helps nurture progressive minds.
With leading-edge faculty and remarkable alumni, we are committed to provide students with a challenging and relevant education for developing themselves to create an impact in the world by solving the most pressing social needs of our nation.
Center for Learning and Teaching
Design Thinking based Academic Learning.
Skill and Career Development
Building Life Skills (Social, Emotional and Cognitive) through various Clubs.
Centre For Creativity
Hands-on Experience to Solve Key Industrial Problems through Latest Technologies.
Industry Institute Partnership Cell
Connecting and Learning Business Sense of Top Industries.
Social Responsibility Initiatives
Giving back to the Society through Social Service.